
To get started with Curveball and Bun, first make sure you have bun installed. Open a terminal and type the following command:

bun -v

If this gave you an error, head over to the Bun documentation first and install bun.

Most of the documentation assumes you use the npm package manager to install additional packages, but if you are a bun user you should probably use bun install instead.


Get the NPM package

bun add @curveball/kernel

Hello world

This is the canonical ‘Hello world’ application in Curveball in Bun. Make a file called src/app.ts, and enter the following:

import { Application, Context } from '@curveball/kernel';

const app = new Application();

// Add all your middleware here!
app.use( ctx => {
  ctx.response.body = {msg: 'hello world!'};

export default {
  port: 4000,
  fetch: app.fetch.bind(app)

In Curveball (like Koa) everything is a middleware, so to respond to a request you use the .use() method.

When this method gets called, you are given a ctx argument. This is an object that contains all the information about both the HTTP request (ctx.request) and the response (ctx.response).

In this case we are setting the reponse body to contain an object {msg: 'Hello world!'}. By default this will be turned into a JSON string.

The last step is that we default export an object containing a TCP port number, and a ‘fetch’ function. This is all Bun needs to start this application, which we can do now with:

bun run src/app.ts

After this command you can go to http://localhost:4000 to see if it worked.

Now we’ve covered the Bun-specific documentation, go read next steps to go over all the common use-cases.